A great deal of the work performed at the MUN-BMC involves interacting with vulnerable populations, collecting sensitive information, and safeguarding confidential information. As such, it is important that all members of the MUN-BMC undergo training relevant to these tasks. As such, all members of our team must complete the following training and e-mail their certificates or attestations to our lab e-mail.

1. Tri-Council Policy Statement 2: Course on Research Ethics (TCPS-2: CORE)

  • Visit this link and login or create an account to complete the online modules.

2. Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

  • Visit this link and sign-up for an account to complete the online modules.

3. Public Health Information Act (PHIA)

  • Visit this link , sign-up for an account, and enroll in the online course in “Direct Contact with Personal Health Information”

4. Unconscious Bias Training

  • Visit this link , and complete the 1-hour long course

5. Integrating Sex and Gender in Health Research

  • Visit this link , and complete three courses designed to enhance the integration of sex and gender in health research.

Optional Training:

  • All trainees will benefit from familiarizing themselves with an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to help map out their training needs and progress. We most frequently use the CIHR IDP which can be accessed at this link. The .pdf form fillable is available at this link.